Tag Archives: Poo

The Bristol Stool Tart


Those of weak disposition (or sense of humour) look away now! Those who remain BEHOLD the Bristol Stool Tart!


It was my best friend Heather’s birthday a couple of months ago and I decided to make her the ultimate fart and poo joke cake to suit her sense of humour. In nursing we have something called the Bristol Stool Chart which is a measurement system for your poo. Wether they look like rabbit droppings or a mud slick there is a number on the chart for us to keep up to date with your arse, I know…what a glamorous life one does lead. (We aim for a three or four if your worried about your daily/hourly/weekly/whenever-it-happens poo)


So I combined the pooey system, which really is a good chuckle to read, with delicious cakey goodness to create this tasty repulsive treat. Many a friend said they wouldn’t eat it, which is a shame as it was actually really tasty, but the nurses of the group couldn’t get enough of it. So much so that the, probably fairly normal, people NOT wanting to eat a shit cake were rendered the weirdos of the
party. Nothing like sticking together.


Unfortunately it’s not vegan but it was healthy, as it had no butter or oil and half the sugar of a normal cake….but then I covered it in chocolate…so yeah probably not THAT healthy either.
So give it a go if you think you’re hard enough, or your friends stomach is strong enough.
I call this cake an education into cake and poo…and after all they really do make the world go round.
Happy Birthday Heppa bear.
The Foodie