Tag Archives: Tomato

Vegan Tomato and Garlic Bisque

So my main issue since I’ve been trying this vegan thing is snacking. I have struggled to find anything that isn’t fruit or vegetable to snack on that’s satisfying and healthy (any suggestions welcome. One of my favourite things to snack on is soup but I could not believe how few soups are vegan! It’s so shocking the things they put in them! The only couple I could find we’re either really expensive or full of chemicals so I decided to make it myself.
I had lots of tomatoes left from making my pasta salads for lunch (recipe to follow soon) and so I fried off a red onion with three cloves of garlic, two tablespoons of olive oil and added the tomatoes, about 450 to 600 grams. I let it cook for a while then added some vegetable stock and a shit load of black pepper, this might not be ideal for everyone but I can’t get enough of the stuff.
Then I put it in a blender with some salt and blended until completely smooth. I know some people are going to criticise the fact I didn’t take the skins off the tomatoes but their is logic buried in my madness. Tomato peels contribute a high concentration of the carotenoids found in tomatoes, so if you want your tomato dishes to be as rich in vitamins and minerals as possible stick it out with the skins! It comes out as quite a thin soup but the taste is phenomenal and it really does keep you satisfied when your feeling a bit snack-ey. Plus I’d much rather have a thinner soup than chuck in lots of unhealthy cream or milk to push up the calories, dilute the flavor and sit in my bowel for a week. 
So it’s healthy, nutritious, tasty and it works out at roughly 60 calories a cup so it’s good for the waist line too. Over all i’m pretty happy with this for snack time. 
I’m discovering the trick to nailing this vegan thing is to never let yourself feel like you’re going without any thing. So far I’m definitely feasting not fasting.
Happy eating.
The Foodie

Liquid Lunch


Soooo have disappeared off the map for a couple of days as I’ve been partying in the new year in an old converted Methodist church…had DJ decks where the organ used to be it was fantastic.
Needless to say there has been very little actual eating happening. I tell a lie I had a curry but I was so unbelievably hammered that I would feel bad reviewing a curry I can’t remember.
Still one culinary beauty that I did sample amongst the chaos is a rather wonderful Bloody Mary, knocked my hangover right on the head and lead to a whole other day of debauchery.


Tomato juice, Vodka, Worcester sauce, fresh lemon and a hell of a a lot of Tabasco. I went from creature from the black lagoon, to my old self again (which granted is only marginally better). So yes to all those reading this feeling the new year blues, i guess the main message is… Vodka. Fixes. Everything!
You can tell I’m British.
The Foodie